
The Time for Action is Now

The Time for Action is Now


DISCLAIMER: All views and opinions in the following article belong solely to the author. They do not necessarily represent the views of Vista Magazine or any affiliated organizations. All opinions are in accordance with the rules set out by RS Rev. Rul. 2007-41. 2007-25, I.R.B.

 After some choppy waters, Vista is back. We’ve been on campus for a few months now and things have been contained fairly well. Life feels normal given the circumstances. But outside of the North Park Bubble, the world is still fracturing, the cracks growing seemingly by the day. We are in the midst of a global pandemic exacerbated by a woefully underqualified president who’s actively working to undermine our democracy. His shameless incompetence has shined a light into the darkest corners of these fifty united states, and most of us were not prepared for what lay there waiting. Because of all this, now is the time for direct action on various fronts. We need people to speak out, to write controversial pieces, and to be ready to step on some toes. We’ll even need people posting Instagram stories which your uncle, a man weirdly into police despite not being one or knowing any personally, will respond to with vitriol. To be blunt, we need all hands on deck. 

            Why am I getting political in my letter to you, our esteemed readers, instead of extending a friendly advertisement for you to write with us? Because we have two very uncertain weeks coming up that will define the reality of this country for the foreseeable future. It will define the way people share ideas and the ways which these ideas are received. It’ll also define questions like what is considered truth, what is considered lies, and who gets to decide which is which. I’m getting political because it’s more important than ever to get your thoughts out to a larger audience. We at Vista provide a space for sharing ideas, functioning as a podium for the greater North Park community. I urge you all to share your thoughts, ideas, and critiques with us. We welcome those among you eager to speak out against established systems of power, be they international, domestic, or on campus. If you feel bogged down and need to take time to focus on the beauty of the world—which I assure you is still there—write poems, shoot photographs, review your favorite song of the year, etc. There’s a spot at the table for everyone, so come on in. 

            Now, a PSA. First off, for the love of God, vote—especially if you live in a swing state. I am talking to those of you from Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Iowa. I get it, Biden is not my first choice either, but we have to jump this hurdle before we can get back on track to true progress. The Democrats alone will not magically fix the issues of this country, many if not most of which predate Trump. Putting Biden in the White House will not by itself solve the malicious problems of systemic racism, police brutality, the military industrial complex, biopolitics at the border, violence against women, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, neoliberal economics, or the impending destruction of the Earth due to climate change (which will hit our generation like a ton of bricks in around three decades when Trump, Biden, and all these Baby Boomers in office will be resting peacefully under six feet of warm dirt). We will need to keep politicians accountable by organizing, reading, writing, and protesting when necessary. Remember who we protested for this summer and why, because Black lives matter today, tomorrow, and always. 

            I urge you all to push against your family members in these coming weeks and if need be for the next four years. Ruin Thanksgiving if you have to; hold people accountable. Don’t forget to also push against your liberal friends who think making fun of poor conservatives is praxis (fun fact: it isn’t). We the People, you, me, the guy who washes your car, the lady who does your nails, the bus driver, the small-scale rancher, the disillusioned teen on 4chan, the immigrant parents picking grapes, the grieving mother, the other grieving mother, the other grieving mother—we must all fight for each other. A wise man once said something about loving the neighbor as yourself. Let us be bold enough to heed His call.            

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