A poem written by Belinda Banh.
Bed is a wet sponge.
I was leaking tomato sauce
while my dog nipped cotton
out of my chest
My fingers felt fuzzy
when I heard the trees rustling
It tasted like the smell of sulfur
Ben ran away a week ago to
Vernon Hills,
or Arlington Heights
I’m so dry I think I will crumble
if I sneeze
I jump into a pool,
more chlorine than water
Make america great again.
I missed my birthday,
so my candles blew out
I would kill myself
to spend a night with him.
Darling mime of fear
my phone rang- buzzed.
And I swallowed a battery
I jumped three flights down the stairs and landed on both feet
Linda wouldn’t have liked any of it, but would smile anyway
In two days the Nazis will come back from hell
polished brick
The water up my nose finally gave out and plunged into the dirt.
I gasped for air as a lily sprouted from the ground
my eyes folded themselves
and rolled onto their bellies
I sunk into the (pile of) mud,
turned into a prune.